A market-oriented approach with attractive sales concepts

We want to make the exceptional quality of our Phalaenopsis even more recognizable with our own concepts and brands. Each one of these concepts and brands ensure quality you can always trust. That quality goes for consumers, too, who want the certainty that an orchid will have a long flowering period.


The ILIKE® Mix was developed to highlight the unprecedented diversity of varieties. Each tray consists of a selection of varieties with great appeal. Levoplant guarantees the uniformity of each order.

ILIKE® Supreme

An orchid with two branches and a minimum of eighteen buds: this is the pinnacle of exclusivity. That is why we have given the top product of the Levoplant range its own brand name: ILIKE® Supreme. We select only the best orchids from our greenhouse to market under this exclusive brand.

ILIKE® Duetto

The Phalaenopsis supplied by Levoplant under the ILIKE® Duetto label are orchids that look like a bouquet of flowers. Each 17 cm pot contains two plants of exceptional quality and extraordinary flowering!

ILIKE® Cordyline

The Cordyline australis is a plant with an exotic appearance. This variety originally comes from New Zealand, where the plant can grow to enormous proportions of up to 20 metres high and with leaves of one metre long. Levoplant is the largest supplier of Cordyline australis in Europe.


Hadithi® means ‘story’. It is inspired by tales of real people and cultures all over the world. Hadithi® is a complete concept of an orchid with a story. The story is illustrated on the decorative accessories such as the supporting stick. Each one-of-a-kind stick has its own pattern and colour, making it a collector’s item for interiors.


You want the quality that made Levoplant famous but with a product range that can create an attractive special offer for your customers. For that we have developed Promiss, a concept that invites consumers to buy an exclusive Phalaenopsis thanks to its competitive pricing.

Contact us

Call us on +31 (0)174 521 015 or send an e-mail to info@levoplant.nl

If you have any questions or would like suggestions or more information, you can also contact us by filling in the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.